Friday, August 30, 2013

101 Stick Assemblage

If a psychologist were to see my stick assemblage, they would view me as someone who is losing organization. At first it looks like a grid, nice and organized, a place for everything. Then you see the 2 cross sticks that make an X. This shows that the grid is not wanted. Next you notice that the grid is uneven and the yarn is not neat. The original geometric piece is now slowly falling apart. Therefore a psychologist would see a girl who is slowly falling apart.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

110 Reading

"Learning to draw is really a matter of learning to see --see correctly-- and that means a good deal more than mere looking with the eye." (Kimon Nicholas: The Natural Way to Draw)
To make art, one can not simply look at something. The mind analyzes what we see and simplifies details we do not need. Drawing and art requires us to perceive objects, not just see them.

"The mind's eye creates the image we see, and these are the images we attempt to represent in drawing." (Francis D.K. Ching: Design Drawing)
Drawing is more than what we see or perceive, it is about what we imagine and create in our minds.

"All drawings communicate to the extent they stimulate and awareness on the part o those who view then. Drawings must catch the eye before they can communicate or instruct. Once they engage the viewer, they should assist their imagination and invite a response." (Francis D.K. Ching: Design Drawing)
Art speaks. Every line, dot, brush stroke, and curve has a meaning and a purpose. There is a story being told by art and it is the viewers job to read it.